black foot underpainting sketch montana fishing landscape painting b rex stewart

Preliminary sketch of idea, about 9″x12″

This painting began as an idea, drawing from memory and using a few photos taken on-site. The preliminary sketch was done using a burnt sienna and yellow ochre mixture using an additive/subtractive process of underpainting. I would normally finish the sketch out by adding color but this idea sat on the back-burner for quite a while and I didn’t get back to it.

I’m mainly concerned if the composition will work at this point and not thinking too much in terms of color aside from doing a warm, complimentary underpainting.

underpainting blackfoot river b rex stewart landscape oils

This is another underpainting with some slight changes to the initial design, 24″x30″

Above I’m changing the drawing to bring more background and distance to the subject as well as giving it more of an ‘S’ shaped composition. I’ve also added a cliff to the foreground as opposed to a dirt-faced cliff.


Above is the final image with a good deal of the underpainting showing through to give the painting more of an envelope of light and reflect the feeling of warmth. I’ve gone through some serious editing to the drawing during the actual laying down of color to correct a few tangents and add interest. I try to let the painting lead me where it wants as sticking to a hard blue print can be extremely stifling.